Tuesday, March 6, 2012
7:48 PM
Rays of Light
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Last night was another great night gathering with the women at the prison. Every time I go God either wakes me up or ignites something in me. My lesson of the day was “ Am I not good?” God challenged me with the idea that If I do indeed believe that He is a good God, and works things out for the good of those who love him AND if I embrace the fact that His ways are above my ways then why do circumstances that don’t turn out the way I plan have such a lasting affect on me? This past month I have been struggling with the course of the detours instead of trusting the driver.
“Am I not good?” One of the women I met with has been incarcerated longer than I’ve been alive and will soon be granted her physical freedom. She restated how thankful she was for her time in jail because it was there that God was able to reach her and her life was drastically changed. She stated that her life style before jail would have surely led her to die years ago. Loosing physical freedom led to the gaining stability, truth, wisdom and freedom for her soul. WOW I thought…you worked all the negativity that landed her here out for her good.
“Am I not good?” Yes Lord. “Then why do you not trust?” This month has been such a whirlwind of planning, preparation, grieving, learning and dealing. I spent so much time being strong for everyone that I forgot to surrender those burdens. Somehow the events of the past month became more relevant than the journey ahead… no good. I am so thankful for the break through last week! He is the God of grace that transforms lives, whose ways are higher and loves with out bounds‘Yes you are good…help me to consistently have that in the forefront and in the midst of every single circumstance.’
Psalm 38:8, Romans 8:28
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AWESOME!!!! Thanks for being vulnerable and encouraging! This is really inspiring!!! I love this "I have been struggling with the course of the detours instead of trusting the driver."