Saturday, December 7, 2013
1:43 PM
Rays of Light
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Last weekend two of us traveled to Madrid for the Project Rescue / Fiet Gratia awareness campaign and appreciation gala. On Saturday we joined the church and friends for a flash mob in the middle of the city at Puerta del Sol which drew many people who were able to learn about the 27 million people in slavery today, the 300,000 plus victims of sex trafficking here in Spain and the fact that Spain is the second largest transit and destination place for victims of trafficking in Europe ( second to Italy). The event was a huge success and visibly effected and inspired many.
We understand that to be most affective in the fight against human trafficking it is important to be a united front. We are most affective for the kingdom when we work together. This is why we are so excited to be in network and partnership with Project Rescue and Fiet Gratia! A win for them is a win for all of us involved whether it be through serving or praying.Please keep these ministries in your prayers as they bring awareness, and continue to be mighty tools is the healing and restoration of trafficked victims here in Spain and internationally.
To read more about these Organizations/Ministries click here:
Project Rescue:
Fiet Gratia:
We understand that to be most affective in the fight against human trafficking it is important to be a united front. We are most affective for the kingdom when we work together. This is why we are so excited to be in network and partnership with Project Rescue and Fiet Gratia! A win for them is a win for all of us involved whether it be through serving or praying.Please keep these ministries in your prayers as they bring awareness, and continue to be mighty tools is the healing and restoration of trafficked victims here in Spain and internationally.
To read more about these Organizations/Ministries click here:
Project Rescue:
Fiet Gratia:
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
12:41 PM
Rays of Light
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Saturday, May 18, 2013
8:54 AM
Rays of Light
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I had my first fight with Spain this week. The train was late for the second day in a row, by 22 minutes. I was on my way to language class and taking public transportation by myself for the first time. I hopped off the train, ran under the station to get to the other side and as I got to the top of the stairs and looked for the exit, the 10:15am bus I needed to board whisked by. I felt defeated. It didn’t help that it began to rain steadily. I knew that the buses didn’t run in 20-30 min intervals like they do back in the states. I finally found my way out of the station and walked the few minutes it took to get to the bus stop. I discovered that the next bus wasn’t expected until 4:00pm that afternoon. I still don’t have a working phone so I walked up to the nearest store to ask where I could use one to call Jade. I knew the questions to ask in Spanish but could not understand the responses of the chinese couple I first asked. I just followed in the direction their fingers pointed. When I asked the third man, and he flat out said he didn’t know I began to panic a bit. I was in a part of Spain I didn’t know very well, without a phone to contact anyone and there was nobody there who could help me figure it out. My legs felt heavy as I continued to walk down in the direction that was first pointed out to me. I spotted an older gentleman sitting at a table outside of a café reading. I walked up to him (with I’m sure a distraught expression) and said, “Escusa, necesito usar un telephono” He responded by telling me the name of a store I had never heard. I stared off in the direction he pointed and responded “uhh… no entiendo…” Then, he spoke English! It was only a few choppy words but never had English EVER sounded so beautiful.
“ Hablas Ingles?!”
“ Si, un poco”
He stood up and placed an arm around my shoulder as he pointed to the blue and white sign on a store front up ahead, and repeated the store name.“ Ahh! Si, gracias!" We exchanged names and he told me his was Tony. I thanked him again and he stepped back to bow gently “ It is my pleasure,” he said before kissing my hand and returning to his table.
(smh)Good ol' Tony, AKA sweetest man EVER.... of the hour.
I made the return trip home, got off the train and began the walk to my apartment, still feeling a little discouraged at the failed attempt. This was also my first time making this return trip. Everything in an instant looked different. I don’t know if it was the mist falling from the sky, the glistening streets or the dewy yellow and red flowers that seemed to bow from the gates as I walked by.Was this the same place? I ran directly into a street that led to the beach. There, through the framed stone archway, she danced and roared in all her glory. I exhaled and immediately felt lighter. Even on the gloomiest of days the ocean still had the ability to mesmerize and draw me in.
As I looked out on the water my eyes caught the small light tower on rocks in the middle of the Mediterranean. It stood tall and unshakable. It seemed completely unimpressed by the loud and spirited waves crashing relentlessly on the rocks at its feet. I thought to myself “Wow, it’s unshakable” my eyes drifted to the rocks that supported it and I immediately thought,“ its built on solid rock”. The light tower seemed completely confident in the foundation it stood on. Then the question came out of nowhere.
“Are you not also built on solid rock?”
"Yes ...yes I am."
“ Then you trust also, with confidence in your foundation ”
Wow...the Lord was speaking so clearly to my heart. In that moment the morning frenzy seemed so minuscule. I laughed at myself a little. I know that there will be even bigger waves in my journey here than those of this morning. As I watched the waves crashing along the rocks of the light tower, I was captivated.

I want to be like that light tower! Though the storms may come (and they will) I want to be able to hold my head high, stand unshakable and trust completely in my foundation in Christ. I want to live moment by moment, in complete awareness of the power, strength and immovability of my foundation. Though the waves may be fierce, hefty and painful; I too want be able to show my strength,not in myself but in my foundation. I want be able to stand tall, hold my head up high above the waves and stand boldly on my solid rock. On my walk back to the apartment a white and gray bird flew over my head with a branch in its mouth. I took it as Spain’s peace offering. I smiled and accepted with a now comforted heart.
“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock." Mathew 7:24-27
“ Hablas Ingles?!”
“ Si, un poco”
He stood up and placed an arm around my shoulder as he pointed to the blue and white sign on a store front up ahead, and repeated the store name.“ Ahh! Si, gracias!" We exchanged names and he told me his was Tony. I thanked him again and he stepped back to bow gently “ It is my pleasure,” he said before kissing my hand and returning to his table.
(smh)Good ol' Tony, AKA sweetest man EVER.... of the hour.
I made the return trip home, got off the train and began the walk to my apartment, still feeling a little discouraged at the failed attempt. This was also my first time making this return trip. Everything in an instant looked different. I don’t know if it was the mist falling from the sky, the glistening streets or the dewy yellow and red flowers that seemed to bow from the gates as I walked by.Was this the same place? I ran directly into a street that led to the beach. There, through the framed stone archway, she danced and roared in all her glory. I exhaled and immediately felt lighter. Even on the gloomiest of days the ocean still had the ability to mesmerize and draw me in.
As I looked out on the water my eyes caught the small light tower on rocks in the middle of the Mediterranean. It stood tall and unshakable. It seemed completely unimpressed by the loud and spirited waves crashing relentlessly on the rocks at its feet. I thought to myself “Wow, it’s unshakable” my eyes drifted to the rocks that supported it and I immediately thought,“ its built on solid rock”. The light tower seemed completely confident in the foundation it stood on. Then the question came out of nowhere.
“Are you not also built on solid rock?”
"Yes ...yes I am."
“ Then you trust also, with confidence in your foundation ”
Wow...the Lord was speaking so clearly to my heart. In that moment the morning frenzy seemed so minuscule. I laughed at myself a little. I know that there will be even bigger waves in my journey here than those of this morning. As I watched the waves crashing along the rocks of the light tower, I was captivated.
I want to be like that light tower! Though the storms may come (and they will) I want to be able to hold my head high, stand unshakable and trust completely in my foundation in Christ. I want to live moment by moment, in complete awareness of the power, strength and immovability of my foundation. Though the waves may be fierce, hefty and painful; I too want be able to show my strength,not in myself but in my foundation. I want be able to stand tall, hold my head up high above the waves and stand boldly on my solid rock. On my walk back to the apartment a white and gray bird flew over my head with a branch in its mouth. I took it as Spain’s peace offering. I smiled and accepted with a now comforted heart.
“Anyone who listens to my teaching and follows it is wise, like a person who builds a house on solid rock.Though the rain comes in torrents and the floodwaters rise and the winds beat against that house, it won’t collapse because it is built on bedrock." Mathew 7:24-27
Sunday, May 5, 2013
3:14 PM
Rays of Light
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So, it’s been officially 1 week since I arrived in España. Days one and two were unexpected; I was surprised at how at peace I was saying “ see you soon” to my family, friends and essentially a life that would not be as I left it upon my return. Then Tuesday, after a fear jolting night of dreams and a morning of running around, it hit me. Nerves, for a short period invaded my peace and I was faced with the raw reality of this major life transition that was unfolding around me. I found myself gripping with one hand to the reality I left behind. The routine day to day of work, ministry, fun time with family and friends, driving my ford escape down 450 while “the undertone” blasted through the speakers- it all flashed before me. The other hand was held open to the new book, freshly being written here in Spain. All at once I was completely aware of what my new life was asking of me. I struggled in that moment with whether or not I have in my possession what it takes. The dreams from the night before left me in a very vulnerable state and to be completely honest I struggled with the fear of not being protected and not being equipped enough for the mission ahead. Early that afternoon I pushed myself to deal with these emotions, surrender them and bring them before God. He quickly took those anxieties and replaced them with the truth of not only who I am in him, but who He has prepared and called me to be. It was a great time of re-revelation. I learned that day 2 major things. 1: My vulnerability does not disqualify me. Confronting my vulnerabilities and understanding my insecurities will actually strengthen my ability to discern attacks and be better prepared.It also forces me to remember that I CAN NOT do this on my own and where I fall short God is magnified (2 corinthians 12:9) 2: Past victories should serve as reminders of His faithfulness and as testimonies. They should not however, EVER replace the daily revelation of who God is in my life.
This past week has ben amazing: My intro into the ministry to trafficked victims, meeting the college/ young adult ministry Brent and Jade are over, Signing the lease for my apartment for the next few months (which might I brag is conveniently located 2 small streets from the beach..and by beach I mean the Mediterranean sea), starting language school tomorrow and testing the train/metro system (aye yie yie), attending my first soccer game (the missionaries son is a GREAT soccer player), Meeting and spending time in great conversation with April Foster,founder of the "Breaking Chains Network (an anti trafficking organization in Belgium:…this sums up the basic components of my 1rst week. I am so thankful for the Incredible missionary family God has blessed me with. Incredible. My spirit dances in anticipation of what God is going to do in the next year and beyond. Please join me in prayer for a smooth transition; great start to ministry and fast language learning.
“If we have only what we have experienced, we have nothing; if we have the inspiration of the vision of God, we have more than we can experience”- Richard C. Halverson
This past week has ben amazing: My intro into the ministry to trafficked victims, meeting the college/ young adult ministry Brent and Jade are over, Signing the lease for my apartment for the next few months (which might I brag is conveniently located 2 small streets from the beach..and by beach I mean the Mediterranean sea), starting language school tomorrow and testing the train/metro system (aye yie yie), attending my first soccer game (the missionaries son is a GREAT soccer player), Meeting and spending time in great conversation with April Foster,founder of the "Breaking Chains Network (an anti trafficking organization in Belgium:…this sums up the basic components of my 1rst week. I am so thankful for the Incredible missionary family God has blessed me with. Incredible. My spirit dances in anticipation of what God is going to do in the next year and beyond. Please join me in prayer for a smooth transition; great start to ministry and fast language learning.
“If we have only what we have experienced, we have nothing; if we have the inspiration of the vision of God, we have more than we can experience”- Richard C. Halverson

Wednesday, April 24, 2013
8:19 AM
Rays of Light
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I leave for Spain in 3 days! WOW. I am sitting here reflecting on the faithfulness and goodness of God through out this journey. This has been SOME journey... but I know it is only beginning. A few people have asked me if I feel nervous or scared. I did have mixed emotions of nerves and excitement prior to getting my visa. Strangely, and to my own surprise I don't feel nervous now. I don't know how I will feel when I'm saying goodbye to my fiends and family and boarding the plane on Saturday, or even the emotions I will feel landing in Spain. However, as of now I have a strong sense of complete peace. Like, this is where I am SUPPOSE to be heading. I have no idea what to expect or what awaits me in Spain; but I DO know who goes before me. This past Sunday I said goodbye to many people who I will miss tremendously. I shed a few tears but what overpowered the bittersweet atmosphere was God allowing me to visibly see the amazing support system that I have here at home. It was overwhelming in a good way and gave me great comfort to know that I am not leaving people behind, but carrying them with me as I begin this new chapter in my life. Please keep my transition period in your prayers.Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for your love, support, prayers and encouragement. It has meant more than you will ever know.<3
"Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step." -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
5:49 PM
Rays of Light
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I was at an open mic night at Bus boys and poets this past Tuesday and heard this amazing spoken word artist Joel McKerrow. I couldn't single out "confessions part 1" but please fast forward to it (#2). I'm digging his art and some of the truth he speaks....makes you think.Check it out:)
Sunday, April 1, 2012
4:41 PM
Rays of Light
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This is a video from the ministry centre I will be working with on the vision concerning human trafficking victims.
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